The Nationwide Academy for Dispute Resolution


What is mediation ? Disconcertingly, the answer is that "Mediation is many things to many people." You might believe, especially if you have heard about or been involved in a mediation process that you know what mediation is. What you will have seen or heard about is likely to have been a particular model of mediation. Even if that mediation model was not suitable for your business requirements you may be surprised to learn that there are mediation models specifically designed to cater for the needs of industry and commerce.

Early western practitioners tested a range of mediation models with varying degrees of success. Experience has shown that there is a need for a variety of mediation models. The needs and expectations of the people involved in commercial disputes are quite different from those of the people involved in social disputes. The way mediation operates differs from country to country. The US for example has introduced legislation which mandates the use of mediation. This affects the way mediation is conducted in the US.

Which Mediation Model is best for Commercial Users ? Academics have identified in excess of 28 models of mediation but these can be grouped into 4 basic models.


NADR has employed the Orchestration Model for many years but has further refined the technique in a number of distinct ways. NADR is committed to a range of ADR services including Arbitration, Adjudication and Mediation and hybrid variations of all three, tailored to the needs of those it needs. NADR caters for :-

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