The Nationwide Academy for Dispute Resolution


Dispute Resolution Schemes (DRS) Apart from the paper only consumer/commercial supplier scheme outlined above, NADR also provides schemes to settle disputes between people and organisations involved in on-going relationships. A general description is provided below of the types of scheme available for specific types of user. NADR will work with you to tailor the scheme to your specific needs.

Employer/Employee DRS.

NADR will work with the employer and employee representatives to design an internal grievance procedure or re-evaluate existing procedures. Defined lines of communication for the submission of employee grievances to the employer and for the communication of employer concerns to employees combined with a system of recording communications and outcomes reduces conflict. NADR provides staff training to ensure that all concerned in the process know how it works. In the event of a dispute arising either party may submit the dispute to NADR. An independent conciliation / mediation / adjudication / arbitration, as the case may be, will then be arranged. The process minimises conflict facilitating on-going relationships. It is quick and private. NADR's independence ensures that both parties have confidence in the process.

Goods & Services and Multi-party DRS.

Goods and services DRS are ideal for situations where a vendor regularly supplies goods to an organisation and for maintenance and service contracts. A system for dealing with problems directy between the parties proceeds submission of disputes to mediation / adjudication / arbitration. Speed and informality ensure that disruption to business relations is kept to a minimum. Multi-party DRS are ideal where a group of service providers co-operate together to service an organisation. The DRS is available not only for disputes between an individual service supplier and the organisation but also covers disputes between the various service suppliers.

Dispute Review Boards (DRB).

These are ideal for major construction projects and other on going relationships where teams of independent specialists work together. The DRB differs from the DRS, in that NADR personnel play an active part in the planning and management of a project as part of the project management team, with a specific remit to advise and assist the parties to identify areas of potential conflict. This enables the management team to address issues at an early stage preventing them from turning into problems. By participating in the management of the project, NADR personnel understand the background to disputes from the outset. The dispute review scheme involves a step by step process from negotiation and conciliation, through to mediation, adjudication and finally arbitration. The scheme may involve a single representative from NADR or a three man team including relevant professions. The NADR team makes regular visits to the site and convenes as a Dispute Resolution Panel only if and when required. The process minimises conflict. It is private, efficient, impartial and independent.

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